Clyst Honiton Green Infrastructure Strategy
Clyst Honiton Parish Council
RIBA Work Stages 1 to 2
Clyst Honiton, Exeter
Completion Date
December 2017
In 2017, Landsmith Associates in collaboration with Burton Reid Associates were approached by Clyst Honiton Parish Council to develop a Green Infrastructure Strategy (GIS) with the Parish Council, East Devon District Council to accompany the Neighbourhood Plan.
Clyst Honiton is located between the eastern edge of Exeter, Exeter Airport and new Healthy Town Cranbrook and new warehouse development, Skypark. The future sustainable growth of the village is crucial in attracting investment, enhancing biodiversity, decreasing social isolation and improving health and well being.
To date, East Devon District Council and the Parish Council have much appreciated the document in setting a vision and provide ideas to improve their Green Infrastructure. They have embraced various proposals including the cycle link to Cranbrook train station, the road closure now in place, and extensive tree planting has commenced in particular along the water corridors.
"Landsmith Associates assistance has been invaluable"
Clyst Honiton Parish Council